Q&A with YouTube Tech Critic Devin of the CKid YouTube Channel

Padcaster recently had the opportunity to sit down with Devin of the CKid YouTube channel to learn more about how he got his start as a tech reviewer on YouTube and his love of the Padcaster Verse. What started as a simple solution to more efficiently give tech advice to his family quickly blossomed into a passion to inspire his local community through his love of technology. Devin spoke of challenging the "sports are the only way out” narrative in his hometown of East St Louis, IL and showing “the youth of the inner city that you can do other things outside of sports to become successful in life.” With a sturdy audience of over 10k followers that increases every day, Devin is well on his way to becoming one of YouTube’s go-to content creators for advice on the latest and greatest in tech.

Why review consumer technology?

Tech products have always been a love for me and I love testing hardware out to see if what the company claims about their products is true. On my channel, I put products to the test and provide my opinion on how well I think they’ve performed and if I would recommend them. This is how I came to highly recommend Padcaster® products. In fact, I’m using [the Padcaster Verse] right now to shoot a video for the Google Pixel 3 XL smartphone and my popular series Rap Tech of the Month - Stranger Things Edition.  

What has been your favorite part of being a YouTube content creator?

I would say being able to build and interact with a community of like-minded people who share a passion and love for technology. Being able to interact with people from all over the world and even building genuine friendships with other creators big and small is just amazing.

What level of filmmaker would you recommend the Padcaster Verse to?

I would have to say from beginner to pro level. Like I said in my video and on my social media,  it allows anyone to create some stunning cinematic video using just the smartphones we already have in our pockets.

What do you think the most important feature of the Padcaster Verse is? Why?

I would have to say the many quarter-inch screw holes on the frame so creators are able to mount multiple accessories to it.  For example, if I have an external mic I use I can mount it with ease, or even an external monitor to be able to see if your subject is in focus, framed properly…etc. So having the many screw holes allows it to be more of a versatile device to film with.

In your review of the Padcaster Verse you mentioned how much you liked the Padcaster X-POD, why is that so?

Hands down it would have to be that 3200 mAh internal battery that I feel should be in every tripod whether mini or normal-sized. I also enjoyed the rubber grip factor that allows for some pistol grip action to be able to film my creative content.

What would be your biggest advice to beginner content creators?

Just get started. One of the biggest things that were holding me back was in my mind. I kept saying to myself, “I’m not good enough” or “my videos don’t look or sound like [his or hers]”.  One thing I learned is that your next video will always be better than your first video. So just get started and enjoy learning along the way. If I can do it, TRUST ME, anyone can do it.

What are common mistakes YouTubers make when starting out?

Focusing too much on having the “RIGHT” camera equipment.  In this space becoming or being a YouTuber, content is EVERYTHING. Once you realize that people use Youtube, now the #2 Search Engine in the world, to access information then you realize that it’s not about how good your video looks but more about the content you are providing to your subscribers and viewers.  For example, my most viewed video on my channel has no B-Roll or high-quality transitions…etc. It was just me sitting in a chair in front of a white backdrop talking about why I decided to switch from Amazon Echo Products to Google Home Products, and it became the first video that boosted my channel, reached over 100,000+ views and is still being watched today.

Do you have any big projects on the horizon?

Yes, I do. I have a couple of large creators that I have reached out to, and a few who have reached out to me, that I will be working with. They shall remain nameless for now…but know they are large in the Youtuber space, so subscribe to the channel and make sure to hit that notification bell so you are alerted when those videos are released. Also, I have a new series that I am working on that will be launching on my channel at the beginning of the year called “Amazon First Page”. More details on the series to come soon.  And lastly, for this upcoming Christmas, I will be continuing my “CKid 1 Week of Christmas Giveaway” where I give back to my subscribers with tech items, Amazon gift cards and more. It’s where for one week, every day, leading up to Christmas, I announce a winner of a tech item or Amazon Gift Card. It’s my way of giving back to my subscribers who have been watching my videos and have been supportive of the channel and the brand I’m building. It’s always a fun event since Christmas is my FAVORITE holiday.

What do you see for the future of the YouTuber community?

I personally see it only going up from here. Currently, the Youtube Community is where the “average consumers” like you and I look to for advice on getting “REAL” information on something we may be interested in purchasing. We live in a society of conscientious buyers now, and who prefer to get the unfiltered details on if the product or service works, and does what is advertised. So, to me, this is where Content Creators like myself can provide a real service to people because we have no attachment to the brands and therefore can provide honest and unbiased opinions. All of this, in my opinion, makes the future of the Youtube Tech Community very bright.



by Marin Morales

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